Photo: A Sale Girl who sells pottery | By: bintypaul | NIKON 50MM F/1.8D AF |
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Photo 116671

A Sale Girl who sells pottery


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Member since: 2010-12-11
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Uploaded: 2011-05-25

Photo capture details

ISO 2500 - (1/40) at f/2

Comments (2)

🕐 05-26-11 08:04bintypaul wrote:
Actually I just shot it under the given light. (Cuz I still haven't study for flash light shooting yet)
The light was too low and you won't even see her face clearly with naked eyes.
The candle light she made it for her pottery show and the light from next pottery shop helped me get a shot with Nikon 50mm f2.0 (hand held).

It took just very few seconds that her face showed up face to the candle light. Pheww. Luckily I got the shot...

Thank you.....
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