Comments Received by mr.t

1000414View photo
Photo 1000414
Photo by mr.t
🕐 07-27-24 18:08mr.t wrote:
Hi and thank you for your comment.

I agree with your point that it seems out of place and indeed, it is unusual for this part of the world with high-risers like this.

As a matter of fact, this building is not yet fully completed, they are still doing some work around it, there is some construction going on on the right side of the pic, (at groundlevel, outside the frame), even if the main structure is more or less finish (I guess).

That's how new this building is.
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202835View photo
Photo by mr.t
🕐 01-27-22 09:54mr.t wrote:
Hi Mr fo-tik and thank you for your comment and for showing interest in my work.

However, I'm sorry to say that I don't really have any autumn-pictures on this location, as a matter of fact, this picture is taken in the autumn, hence the date; Date/Time Original 2021:10:10 16:43:25.

If you look at the trees in the background on the left side, you can see that they are somewhat yellow-ish, as well as the trees on right hand-side is somewhat orange (even if it is a bit vague).

I don't think you can by land and build a cabin on the location where this picture is taken (it's a nature-reserv, and if you look closely, you can see cows grazing there), but there is a community just nearby, actually just behind my back, where one could buy a small house (if there is anything out for sale).

Once more, thank you for showing interest in my work. and please be welcome, again.

Mr. T.
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202268View photo
Photo - 102268
Photo by mr.t
🕐 10-25-20 03:30mr.t wrote:
Very true, but this isn't Norway, but in Sweden 😉. Thank you for your comment, it is highly appreciated 👍🏻 !
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142647View photo
The rock of Gibraltar
Photo by mr.t
🕐 10-21-17 15:50mr.t wrote:
terence2 wrote:


Great capture\n\n\nThanx för showing interest in my pick's and thanx for the comment.

// T.
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547672View photo
Sunrise national day, 2013.
Photo by mr.t
🕐 12-23-15 00:43mr.t wrote:
ericgl wrote:

Clarity & noise are a bit high, but I like it.\n\n\nHi and Thanx for your comment !

The reason for the defects you`re pointing out, could probably be found in the processing . This picture is processed on a non- calibrated laptop in Nik HDR-EFEX 2 software, and my first (and so far) only serious attempt to process in a NIK-software.

Anyway, Thanx for stoppning by and share your reflections with me (and other wiewers in the futute).
