Comments Received by briantolin

106150View photo
Photo 106150
Photo by briantolin
🕐 01-02-11 14:52JT wrote:
Awesome shot! This is dog is having fun.
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106235View photo
Photo 106235
Photo by briantolin
🕐 11-30-10 11:47davcar wrote:
Excellent composition and light
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106137View photo
Photo 106137
Photo by briantolin
🕐 11-29-10 22:06niki rodriguez wrote:
very nice, perfect color and very nice catch as black says..
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106149View photo
Photo 106149
Photo by briantolin
🕐 11-29-10 22:04niki rodriguez wrote:
i like it.. you have very good work,, thanks..
106324View photo
Photo 106324
Photo by briantolin
🕐 11-29-10 22:01niki rodriguez wrote:
wow,, perfect
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106146View photo
Photo 106146
Photo by briantolin
🕐 11-29-10 22:00niki rodriguez wrote:
10, 10
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106328View photo
Photo 106328
Photo by briantolin
🕐 11-29-10 22:00niki rodriguez wrote:
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106379View photo
Photo 106379
Photo by briantolin
🕐 11-29-10 21:59niki rodriguez wrote:
great picture..i can feel the cold... very good.......
106151View photo
Photo 106151
Photo by briantolin
🕐 11-29-10 21:58niki rodriguez wrote:
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106327View photo
Photo 106327
Photo by briantolin
🕐 11-23-10 09:55mcliu wrote:
lovely composition