NIKONIMAGES recent comments

34 feet Freestyle "Death Diving" into the River
Photo by walter2
🕐 03-26-25 13:39JT wrote:
Wow. Crazy jump!
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Northern California Renaissance Faire
Photo by rbfresno
🕐 03-12-25 16:12walter2 wrote:
Perfect portrait!
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Photo 537113
Photo by ronny olsson
🕐 03-11-25 18:01JT wrote:
Looks like the the path to mt doom from LOTR
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Bird on a Wire - @ Fisherman's hut in Norway
Photo by walter2
🕐 03-06-25 00:42walter2 wrote:
Thank's for the "Thumbs Up" for this image, JT!!
Sun Up Through Fog with Bridge in the Background
Photo by walter2
🕐 03-06-25 00:40walter2 wrote:
Thank's for the "Thubs Up" to this image, JT!!
Jumpsuit - 1000592
🕐 03-01-25 01:40walter2 wrote:
The red suit in the center gives a perfect "lead-in" to this image. Great catch!
Photo - 1000594
🕐 02-25-25 11:44lstevensphotos wrote:
Thank you for your feedback JT, I will check out the Zf site as well.
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This paradise in the small Island of Budelli is named the Swimingpool
Photo by Franco
🕐 02-19-25 10:10JT wrote:
Sono gelosa. Ho appena annullato un viaggio in Sardegna perché è ancora troppo presto per il bel tempo. Invece andrò a trovare degli amici a Milano.
Photo by walter2
🕐 02-18-25 07:28walter2 wrote:
Hi JT!
About the many Amcar-images of mine - the love for classic AMCARS is big here in Scandinavia - mostly in Sweden and Norway.
I live close to a small town (Halden) here in Norway, which has the biggest Amcar-club in Norway with more than 5.000 members, and every Wednesday during the summer season, they arrang the socalled "Halden Cruise Night" with their cars cruising through town, and I just love to stand roadside there to take pictures. So much exciting vehicles, mostly from the early 30-ies to the 70-ies.
Best regards from Norway
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Amcar Aficionado - Amcar Fan
Photo by walter2
🕐 02-14-25 06:58walter2 wrote:
Thank you, terence2 - I appreciate your "Thumbs Up"!
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